Day 11 – Fare thee well shipmates

Well, ladies and gents, boys and girls, today is the final day of V09/21 and shiver me timbers (ye olde nautical saying), what a voyage it’s been. We’ve had some great weather, amazing sailing (for a couple of hours! lol) and some of the best anchorages I’ve ever been to. I’m sure the youthies will remember this voyage forever. Youth crew did one final happy hour this morning, to ensure a clean ship for the oncoming youth crew of V10/21, which commences Tuesday. Then at 0830 they personed the yards and we berthed alongside Coral Sea Marina at 0900. I’ve had a fantastic voyage and I know the other staff members did too. Thanks to the persistence, resilience and adaptability of the youthies, because they are the ones who made it a success. Thanks must also go to the staff crew who did an amazing job throughout, especially Adam the chef, my favourite 😉 Just joking, well done everyone. Well that’s it from me, but like I said to the gang today, their voyage is over but the journey never ends… you may be leaving Young Endeavour but the Young Endeavour never leaves you. Fair winds and following seas. Yours Aye, Captain Adam Charlie Farley+
Wind: SE at 10kts. Temp: 18. Swell: Nil. Emotions: bit teary.
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