Day 10 – Penultimatum

Ahoy there dear readers, we’re safely alongside HMAS Moreton navy base in Bulimba, Brisbane this evening as I write this, the penultimate log of our fantastic voyage. And I must say, it has been a most excellent adventure. Ships staff have completed all post voyage administration, including voyage debrief and a safety team meeting, because we are uber professionals. And now the youth crew are all but in bed, so let me just recap our day for you…
So, we weighed anchor this morning at 0730 from Mud Island and headed into the Brisbane River. On the way we conducted happy hour, had a disco and sang happy birthday to Jesse. Oh and of course there was cake ïŠ We came alongside at 1030, and ate lunch. Youthies and staff then proceeded to lay-aloft to tiddly sea-furl the squares. We need to look fabulous for our final farewell tomorrow and fabulous we do look indeed. Youth Crew then went for a walk into Bulimba and confided in their watch leaders for a final talk to debrief the voyage, and provide us with some feedback. We’re after continuous improvement here folks. Meanwhile, Keely knocked up some bellisimo pizzas for dinner. To round out the evening we had a ships concert, with all watches and the staff, performing skits for our entertainment. Please don’t take yourself too seriously at home, kids 😉 Then a final recapping of the voyage in the form of a photographic slide show, poem and in song, as Kate and Hugh sang a lovely number celebrating the voyage. 5 stars. Oh yeah, Emaan sang a sweet tune too! Respect.
Well, that’s that. This is the final night onboard YE for V12/21. 10 Days ago 18 youth crew from places various, came together to sail this vessel, have fun and challenge themselves. They have not only done that, but have faced and overcome fears and learnt a lot about themselves and each other. Tomorrow they will leave with new skills, improved persistence, resilience and adaptability, as well as generally knowing they are more capable than what they probably thought. And of course, having made great new friends – most probably, friends for life. It never gets old for us staff members, as we truly love our work. We will sail tomorrow at 0900 for a final hurrah, as Youthies will lay aloft and man the yards for a final alongside at 1000. If you can get a vantage point you might see us sailing up and down past Hamilton Reach/Northshore. Until then, stay safe.
Captain Adam Charlie Farley+
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