Day 1 – First Night Climbs

Ahoy Shipmates,
I’m back…many thanks to Captain Adam for looking after the old girl while I had a break…much appreciated. Well Voyage 17/18 has kicked off in fine style. Under sunny skies they embarked this afternoon at 1500 with a large number of friends and family in attendance. After quick tours of the ship, we all gathered at amidships for the official welcome and introductions. Staff Crew for this Voyage are as follows: Captain – Kenny, Sailmaster – Guv, Navigator – Bagaz, Watch Officer – Adam, White Watch Leader – Brendon, Red Watch Leader – Morgan, Blue Watch Leader (Debut) – Ivanka, Engineer – Horto, Chef – Marcus…a motley bunch but fun to sail with! After farewells were complete and family and friends had disembarked, the Youth Crew conducted Ship’s tours and ice breaker activities while Marcus was cooking up a storm in the galley…no one will be starving this trip. After dinner Sailmaster Guv covered off on some housekeeping during his brief (including collecting everyone’s phones and electronic devices), then I gave the Captain’s Brief…discussing why they’re here, the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and the importance of leaving with no regrets. We then rolled in the safety aloft and harness briefs, instructing the YC on the importance of wearing their climbing harness correctly and safety procedures for climbing. It was then time for first night climbs and I can report that almost everyone made it to the Top Gallant Yard, a pleasing effort. As I write the final watch (Blue Watch) are descending and then it will be off to bed in preparation for the usual busy Day 2. We have remained alongside Gladstone Marina tonight, and will depart on the high tide at 0830 in the morning….and the adventure begins. Until tomorrow….fair winds…Captain Kenny
Wind: Easterly at 4 knots Weather: Fine and clear
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