Captain's Log
9 March 2000

Cunningham Pier, Geelong

On completion of the half day sail we went to anchor in Geelong Inner Harbour. After the Command Day debrief it was back to some work of the physical variety, with all Youth Crew aloft for harbour furls. Then some quiet time and preparations for the end of voyage concert. This proved a great success with imaginative acts provided from all and a lot of laughs.This morning it was the last set of cleaning stations then alongside at 1000. My final pleasant duty was the presentation of Voyage Certificates and the award of the Order of Australia Emblem to the Youth Crew member who best displayed the spirit of the Youth Scheme. With such a closely knit team that had built up over the previous 10 days this proved a very difficult decision but, with only one Emblem to award, the Staff Crew finally decided on Katie (Kato) Owens. I knew by the applause from Kato’s shipmates as I awarded it that the Staff had made a wise choice.So another Voyage ends. It has been great for me personally to once more share in the challenges the Youth Crew face and the fun and excitement of it all and to be able to share some of it with you.Best wishes, challenge yourself each day and have fun.Cap’n Bob.


38° 8' South / 144° 21'


Alongside Cunningham Pier, Geelong. Wind south-east 10 knots, clear skies and a pleasant 20 degrees.