Hi Everyone,Welcome to Command Day. At 1000 this morning I officially handed YOUNG ENDEAVOUR over to the Youth Crew of Voyage 09/10. Over the next 24 hours they will complete a wide variety of tasks including sailing and navigating the Ship from Cape Moreton to the entry of Moreton Bay via a number of waypoints. It will give all of them the opportunity to put all of the new skills that they have learn’t over the past 8 days to good use. One of the many tasks to be completed during this period is to write the Captains Log for tonight and tomorrow.Please find attached the first log entry for tonight from Youth Crew Captain Lachlan and Sail Master Mark.Yours AyeCaptain GavYOUTH CREW COMMAND DAY CAPTAINS LOGVOYAGE 09-10The youth crew has officially taken control of the Young Endeavour!Over the past seven days, our youth crew has been steadily ‘learning the ropes’, climbing aloft and studying sail theory. This steep learning curve has prepared us well for today’s challenge – to sail and organise the entire ship without the help of the staff for 24 hours. In many ways, this day represents the pinnacle of the Young Endeavour challenge; an opportunity to apply our new sailing skills and knowledge, to act independently and to work as a cohesive team of newly-made friends.The command of the ship was handed over to the elected Youth Crew command team (Captain Lachlan, Sailmaster Mark and Navigators Calvin and Hart) this morning at 1000 hours, along with more than 20 tasks for us to achieve during our time at the helm. As well as the expected task of navigating and sailing to specific waypoints off the coast of Morton Island (we’re hurtling towards one right now!), we have also been challenged to: build a hammock that suspends the entire 22-person Youth Crew (check), take a photo with all of the Youth Crew climbing aloft on the mast (check), write a humorous poem detailing our trip thus far (currently in progress – it is likely to outshine even Homer’s Iliad for its daring and bold adventures), demonstrate our knot-tying knowledge (tomorrow) and much more�As a crew, we are proud of what we have ticked off the formal task list thus far; however, such a one-dimensional appraisal of our accomplishments doesn’t fully capture the essence of our YE experience. If only we could convey to you the camaraderie that binds us and the new friendships we have forged in the past week. Compared to the 22 strangers who timidly introduced themselves to one another last Thursday, you’d think you were on a different ship.If only we could convey to you the confidence in the faces of the crew who conquered their fear of heights; the pride in their voice when they recount how they lead their peers in a challenging assignment; the character they’ve built by weathering the vicious weather and debilitating seasickness of those first few days; the communication skills that they have honed in their teamwork tasks or the understanding and patience they have exercised whilst living in such cramped quarters.As time passes, we will no doubt forget the exact longitude of our third waypoint or the wind direction we recorded at 0300 hours. But we will not forget the skills we have been taught to prepare us for our ‘command day’. We will proudly recall the personal challenges we overcame, keep in touch the new friends we have made and fondly revisit the amazing moments we’ve shared.But for now, we ‘Youthies’ need to go set another sail for tonight’s voyage!Messages from the Youth CrewWhy, oh, why didn’t I take the blue pill? – LachlanHey Mum, Dad, Aly and Pat. I look forward to telling you all my stories when I get back to Canberra next week – MarkDutchy is an awesome nav!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The colours have been hoisted – DocI’m safe and well and enjoying myself lots. Love to you all- Louise Â
Currently located 10nm from Cape Moreton and enjoying moderate 12-15Kt W-NW winds with nil swell.