Hi Everyone,A well rested Youth Crew awoke to clear skies and a fantastic Jervis Bay morning. Following morning brief and cleaning stations they were given one hour with the Staff Crew to ask relevant questions that may assist them with their elected positions during Command Day. At 1000 I officially handed over the Command Day instructions and the ‘telescope of challenge’ to the Youth Crew Captain Scott and in doing so gave the Youth Crew the responsibility of running the ship for the next 24 hours. The new Command team embraced this challenge and went straight into a very thorough planning phase prior to tackling the many tasks that they had been given to complete throughout the 24 hour period. At 1500 with the vast majority of these tasks complete the order was given to weigh anchor and with the assistance of extremely favourable winds the Youth Crew achieved a very successful sail from anchor. Once underway they immediately brought the ship under a full press of sail and commenced their passage out of Jervis Bay. By 1800 they had cleared Point Perpendicular and following a well timed wind shift to the south west had shaped a course for Sydney Harbour.One of the many tasks to be completed by the Youth Crew over Command Day is to write the Captains Log, so please find attached their entry for tonight’s log.Until Tomorrow, take care.Yours AyeCaptain GavYOUTH CREW COMMAND DAY CAPTAINS LOGVOYAGE 19-09Monday 7th of DecemberToday the youth crew took command of the Young Endeavour. The youth crew has been set a number of tasks of which we have achieved many already. The first task was to claim a little bit of long beach for ourselves by sending in a Beach Assault Team (B.A.T.) and raising the beautiful Australian flag on the shore while singing the national anthem and broadcasting across the ship involving some wayward kayakers and local beach goers. This was completed successfully to the delight and amusement of the staff and crew. Upon their return the youth crew left aboard had successfully created a giant hammock big enough to support all 24 youth crew. Due to the exceptional handicraft, initiative and knot tying skills of the crew the hammock was able to fully sustain the overall weight of the entire youth crew. The next task that we wanted to accomplish while still at anchor was to get all youth crew on the foremast yards. With 8 crew on each yard plus a few more on the course yard we were able to accomplish this feat without any issue whatsoever. With the rapid completion of set tasks the crew were given the opportunity to go for a swim of the ship with some doing acrobatic feats off the bowsprit while others were just happy to jump in and cool off. Once out the drink the crew managed a quick trip to “heads” (bathrooms) and prepared to weigh anchor in order to begin our course to Sydney harbour. After some hard work and a bit of joking around we managed to make our way safely out of Jervis Bay under our own command and the ever watchful eye of the supportive staff and have commenced our homeward bound course for Sydney Harbour and the completion of the circumnavigation of Australia.Yours AyeCaptain ScottÂ
Curently located 18nm to the north east of Jervis Bay and experiencing moderate-strong 15-20kt SW wind with a 1.5m following sea.