Captain's Log
19 March 2012


Ahoy there everyone, Welcome to day ten, the morning commenced at 0630 with another rousing tune from Sail Master Paul which heralded in an overcast day.The ship cast off lines at 0830 and conducted a short transit from Throsby Wharf to Queens Wharf were we welcomed our invited guests who were then hosted by the Youth Crew for a three hour sail around Newcastle Harbour with superb sailing conditions before the ship returned back alongside Queens Wharf for a final farewell. The Youth Crew then stepped ashore with their Watch Leaders to conduct ‘end of voyage’ debriefs.On return all lines were cast off and the ship returned to Throsby Wharf where the Youth Crew completed the penultimate round of rope races before climbing aloft in challenging conditions to place neat harbour furls in all three square sails. After a fantastic pizza night the evening culminated with the Youth Crew presenting a slide show and narrative, capturing various memorable moments and experiences during the voyage. This gave everyone the opportunity to reflect on the past 11 days and their amazing once in a life time journey. The remainder of the evening was spent completing end of voyage questionnaires and letters to themselves, which are returned to each Youth Crew member six months after voyage completion.The ship will depart Throsby Wharf early tomorrow morning for a final passage across Newcastle Harbour with the Youth Crew manning the yards before returning for a scheduled 1000 final berthing and farewell to our young adventurers.Until then it has been an honour and privilege to sail with the Youth and Staff Crew of Voyage 03/12. I wish them all the best for their future endeavours.For the final time.Yours AyeCaptain Damien


32°55's / 151°45'e


2300 at anchor - weather isolated showers, wind SSE 18 knots, swell nil, temperature 18 degrees, barometer 1022 hpa