Captain's Log
29 October 2015


Hi Everyone,

Welcome to day 8 of our voyage. Well Blue Watch who were meant to write tonight’s log went climbing to watch the sunset instead, so I thought to myself here we go again its left up to Gav! But no, Adam came to my rescue and said you take the night off and I will write the log. So he might have stated that it is by anon but really it’s written by the ships wonderful Executive Officer, enjoy!

Until tomorrow, take care

Yours Aye
Captain Gav

Captains log – by anon.

Much to the torment of their fellow World Voyagers, White Watch took much pleasure in rousing the sleeping crew with a lovely (debatable) rendition of the Lion King’s ‘Hakuna Matata’. The passion and raw power in their voices was palpable – there was something in my eye – unfortunately our tinny, broadcast system wasn’t able to adequately duplicate the marvellous harmonisations, range and pitch of our soulful, sea dogs. Needless to say, they were not a popular watch during breakfast. It was however a marvellous day to be alive on the high seas, with a spectacular sunrise accompanied by Spectacled and Atlantic Petrel, Grey Headed Albatross and a lonesome Wandering Albatross, whirling in and around our wake.

After being on watch from 0345 until 0745, breakfast is definitely the best meal of the day, as we take our time with eggs, bacon, freshly baked bread and some left over chilli con carne. “I’ll eat less tomorrow”, I lie to myself. Luckily, Miquela would help us burn some fat in the afternoon.

Morning brief wasn’t very brief – as usual – you simply cannot rush masterful story telling, with some critically acclaimed performances by ship’s staff. The fact that they haven’t yet made the ‘big time’ is, quite frankly, a crime. Words cannot describe the brilliantly, emotive yearnings of a young seaman (played by Dougie) and a rock solid performance as a figurehead, by our faithful chef (Jenko). Not to mention the brilliantly portrayed, tormented anguish, of our loving ships Nanna, played by Horto. Oh! And let us not forget the superbly timed, on cue flailings of our breaching humped back friend. This crew can do no wrong. Genius stuff… ‘Encore!’

So then, with uplifted spirits, we cleaned this magnificent ship of ours, with zeal and determination, to clean as we have never cleaned before. “Sieze the day”, we tell each other, “Let us not leave this ship with regrets of having not cleaned to our utmost!”. We made it so, and then after a hearty lunch, a wee siesta was in order. ZZZZZZ.

Horses? Can it be true? I awoke to the sound of galloping, whinnying and then Darryl Braithwaite’s wailing… No, it was not a dream, but a dramatically staged intro to our next assignment – Nag selection for the Melbourne Cup. Un-Australian we are not, therefore celebrating our National horsie race is a definite must – Even in the South Atlantic Ocean. So, with horses allocated we retire to prepare our fancy hats, fascinators and la-di-dah clothes for next Tuesday’s event. We can hardly contain our enthusiasm. Then, what a perfect way to release some pent-up, anticipation and excitement, with a solid workout from our resident PT, Miquela “Clubs” Riley. And there was much sweating and groaning, yahooing and high fiving. That was exactly what we needed.

And after seeing a solitary sea turtle swimming past the ship – casual as you like and miles from anywhere – and the whimsical, water walking of our new friend, a Wilson’s Storm Petrel, we dined on Brazilian veal schnitzel, mash and veg, with a healthy helping of apple crumble and ice cream. Yes, all we do is eat and be awesome. That’s how we roll.

By the way, the sunset was superb this evening and then Miquela was attacked by a bird. Good night 

The following is a message from Louisa to her sister:

“To my little sister… wonderful one, bigger than me in so many ways, you continually amaze and warm me, even from so far. Wishing you the happiest and fullest birthday… I love you my Meggy, today especially you are so big in my heart! Happy Birthday x


31 degrees 38 minutes South / 36 degrees 27 minutes West


Currently located 650nm SE of Rio and experiencing light-moderate SE winds with a 1.5m ESE swell. Our current speed is 6kts and the temperature is 17 degrees.