At sea under four sails

Overnight the watches were busy completing their second climbaloft. The majority of the Youth Crew were successful in reaching theTopsail and T’Gallant yards. The remaining time on watch was spentlearning to tie some of the more important knots used onboard, andcompleting the full value contract. This involves agreeing to a basicstandard of behaviour so as to ensure that all hands gain the maximumbenefit from the voyage.At 0630 all hands were piped on deck for early morning activity.This involved a brisk power walk around the upper deck, followed byXO Dion leading us in an activity designed to help learn each othersnames. Breakfast and a 90 second shower followed. At 0800 theceremony of colours was carried out complete with the singing of thenational anthem. XO Dion led the morning brief off with a rundown ofthe day’s program. Chef Speedy and Engineer Horto briefed the YouthCrew on the do’s and don’ts of their parts-of-ship. Salty Sea DogPhil gave an animated description of the nautical origins of someeveryday sayings. Morning brief was followed by happy hour and beforelong the ship was cleaned fore-and -aft.After morning tea (Thanks Speedy) Captain Safety and her assistantMiss EPIRB gave a detailed hands-on briefing of the Ship’s safetyequipment. This involved liferafts, smoke markers, ElectronicPosition Indicating Radio Beacons and a myriad of other gear. Next onthe schedule was the deck safety and line handling lecture. Prior tosailing, it is important that the Youth Crew have a basicunderstanding of how to handle the different lines, and what isrequired of them when setting and furling sails.After lunch it was time to weigh anchor and get underway. Onceclear of Portland harbour practical training in sail setting andfurling helped to reinforce the earlier theoretical lessons, as wellas enhance the level of teamwork that is already starting to develop.The last activity of the day was tacking drills. The Youth Crew wereexercised in tacking the ship several times. If it becomes necessaryto tack YOUNG ENDEAVOUR tonight, they will know where to close up andwhat is expected of them.It was a very tired Youth Crew that Captain John spoke to uponcompletion of tacking drills. They have been bombarded by strangeterminology, a hectic pace and a million details to remember. All ofthis on a moving platform where there is virtually no personal space.Fatigue and seasickness have already begun to take there toll but theYouth Crew have agreed to accept all challenges they will face duringthe voyage. Overnight we will make ground to the west towards ournext anchorage.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Fact File: There are over ninety seperate linesused to sail the ship. To assist in working these lines, mechanicaladvantage is gained either by hand winches or block and tackles. Thisallows a relatively small number of hands to safely manage the hugeforces generated in the sails by the wind.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Glossary: Tackle- A purchase in which two or moreblocks are used to multiply the power exerted in a line. Block- Awooden or metal case in which one or more sheaves are fitted. Theyare used for various purposes in a ship, either as part of a purchaseto increase mechanical advantage applied to lines, or to lead them toa convenient position for handling.Thought of the Day: Man is so made that when anything fires hissoul….impossibilities vanish. La FontaineYours, AyeJohn CowanCMDRE, RAN
E.Wind: Sou West at 15 Kts, Temp:15c, Cloud:3/8.
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