At Anchor, Motuihe Island, Hauraki Gulf
Ahoy Shipmates!Well, Voyage 01/06 is off and running – after a busy day on AucklandHarbour for anniversary day, the new Youth Crew joined and and we setoff to begin the voyage shortly after 1600. As we motored east intothe Hauraki Gulf we were met by numerous yachts and power boatsreturning to Auckland after their long weekend away.Overnight the Youth Crew split up into watches and conducted safetybriefs, ship’s tours, line handling and deck safety drills, andentered into their ‘full voyage contracts’. This morning it was upearly for early morning activity, followed by a swim and a greatbreakfast from the resident chef, Bec (‘cos in Young Endeavour, it’sall about the food…).Today we will complete our climbing safety briefs, undertake our fistclimb, and get ashore on the island for a bit of exercise and a walk.All things being equal we will sail this afternoon and spend thenight at sea, bedding down the watchkeeping routines and makingground towards Napier, which is our next port of call on Friday.Until tomorrow, Shipmates,Yours Aye,ChrisChris GallowayLieutenant Commander, RANCommanding OfficerSTS YOUNG ENDEAVOUR
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Thank you Tarvi, Kaeden and Matt for your narrative of today's events. Intentions are to remain at anchor in Hunters Bay, just off HMAS Penguin, home of the RAN Diving School, a place close to my heart, having spent many a day there under training as a young Officer! The plan is to weigh anchor and proceed to HMAS Waterhen, in Waverton, to pick up our Community Day Sailors from the Windgap Foundation and take them for a sail around the harbour for 3 hours. The Youth Crew will help us host our visitors and give them an experience of Young Endeavour. We will drop them back to Waverton and then proceed to anchor in the harbour where we will have a good view of the Bridge and the Opera House for the Youth Crew's last night onboard. Until tomorrow. Yours Aye, Captain Mike