Captain's Log
20 June 2006

At Anchor, Keswick Is, Southern Whitsundays

From Youth Crew Captain Jess:With the hectic, happy and sometimes heated 24hours of Command Day now behind us, the youth crew have taken the opportunity to discuss points of achievment, improvement areas and what lessons can be taken away with us. Command Day itself saw 24 youth crew navigate and sail the ship from Middle Percy Island to Mackay, passing directly through four waypoints and completing vairous excercises on the way to arrive on time at 1300 at our final destination just off Mackay. Among other things the youth crew partook in a theme breakfast of ‘friendship’ with the aim of building positive team spirit, successful overnight tacking of the ship, and completion of regular ship monitoring procedures known as rounds. As more (and yet still more) obstacles appeared, the commanding youth crew where pushed to our limits,discovering along the way how much more can be achieved than first believed. The debreifing discussion following the completion of Comand Day brought to light the positive aspects of the 24hour journey including a respect for different staff roles, the importance of teamwork and a positive regard for all,and the benefits to a team when each individual gives more than is expected of him or her. We discovered that comunicating dirrections to all the youth crew is not always as easy as the staff make it look and learnt to love and appreciate the work of the on board Chef in his absence. Despite numerous setbacks, complications, some frustration and confusion at times, the 24hour period has proven to be a valuble learning experiance for all and one which eveyone may take a lesson home from. The entire youth crew performed outstandingly and should be proud of what we have accomplished. Its not eveyrday you get to take charge of a tallship!R’sCaptain Jess


20° 54' South / 149° 25' East


Wind SSE 20-25knotsSea State moderate - 1-1.5m swells