Captain's Log
13 May 2001

A Major Leap of Faith

The ‘Bear’ teamwork exercises went really well overnight as we sailed by Dunk Island, Mourilyan and Innisfail. Early this morning our radar decided to shut down by itself and we couldn’t get it started. As a result we will anchor tonight and quickly head into Cairns tomorrow, Monday, to get it repaired. Today we held rope races and a teamwork/communications exercise in preparation for the Command Day. Late this afternoon as we glided by Fitzroy Island and Cape Grafton the Youth Crew proved to me and themselves they could safely and competently set and furl all the sails on their own. Well done, team. The mountain ranges and islands we have sailed past have provided tremendous scenery over the last two days. We will have a relaxing night at anchor this evening.Youth Crew entry by Jessica Dobbie 18 Newcastle.Hi everyone, hoping you’re all enjoying Mothers Day and that all our visitors are well. The trip is amazing, command day is fast approaching and we are all trying to decide which role we wish to play. The staff have trained us well and today we managed to set and furl the forestaysail, the topgallant, and the main staysail. If that sounds like a foreign language you may understand the things we are trying to get a grasp of on the ship. Grandad, I climbed both the masts…yay it’s all a little scary but I am proud to say I managed. We are all coming together as a team. The teambuilding has involved a lot of work from each individual in order to be able to work efficiently.Other than this I am getting used to minimal sleep and brilliant food. The weather is warm, the swimming is great and we’re cruising along. Hugs and kisses Jess.Youth crew entry by Erica Smith, 23, Emerald (Q).Well almost a week has passed since we boarded the Young Endeavour and I guess we’re almost like family now. Everyone works together well and we’re achieving things that some of us may have thought we’d never do. Today I took a major leap of faith and tied the gaskets on the coarse yard (yes it’s the bottom one but my little legs thought it was hard enough). But I did it so that’s pretty cool. The trip has been great with postcard scenery and the occasional dolphin escort. We’re eating like kings and looking forward to the last few days of our voyage before we make the trek to our respective homes and attempt to resume normal life again. Hello to everyone in Moranbah, Mackay and Emerald, hope you are all well and I shall see you in a few days. Take care, love you all, Erica.Stay tunedAndrew Davis


16° 51' South / 145° 50'


CO's LOG Mother's Day 13 May 01Current situation at 1800: At Anchor off False Cape, Cairns. Temp 26C, Wind Sou'easterly at 5 knots.