A Busy, Challenging Day

Situation at 21:00 – During the night watches the Youth Crew enjoyed a lazy sail Northwards, practising navigation as the Ship closed Orpheus Island.Some watch-on-deck games helped to pass the time spent on watch.At today’s morning brief, the Salty Sea Dog provided another unique description of the nautical origins of a commonly heardsaying, this time it was ‘Hijack’. Engineer Stewy was pleased to reap only a small harvest for his scran bag. Captain John led the guilty ones in paying the piper. Happy hour was next and the Ship received agood cleaning overall. XO Chooka led the Youth Crew through the fourth installment of rope races. The competition is too close tocall and the next episode will determine the winner. The next activity was Captain John delivering the command day briefing. Thisinvolved a detailed description of what the mission is and what is expected of them.At 12:30 the Ship anchored off Orpheus Island and shortly afterwards the Youth Crew were ferried ashore. Once ashore, they werefree to conduct their command day elections. They have chosen a command structure mirroring that of the Staff Crew, and deliberated long and hard as to who would fill the various positions. Once theelections were completed, all hands were able to enjoy snorkelling over the coral reef that surrounds the Island. Unfortunately, the giant clam research station located on the Island was closed forrenovations, but nonetheless, the scenery on the reef was still spectacular. All hands were back onboard at 17:30 and the Youth Crewformally announced their command team to the Staff Crew. Congratulations to Captain Andy T and XO Jezza and the rest of theirteam. After supper (Pizza night) the Youth Crew had three hours to question the Staff Crew on their respective roles.Overnight the Youth Crew will keep anchor watches. This will allow them to further develop the plan they have for carrying outtheir command day mission. Tomorrow at 08:00 the Ship will be handed over to them and they are on their own.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Fact File: The Ship’s home port is at Garden Island Naval Base in Sydney. This year’s voyage schedule will seeYOUNG ENDEAVOUR visit ports as far North as Cairns, and as far South as Burnie and Portland.Between September and December the Ship will undergo an extensive half-life refit.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Glossary: Brace – The line secured from each end of a yard (the yardarm) by which the yard is swung or bracedround to set the square sail to the wind. Gantline – A halyard reserved for hoisting gear, people and tools aloft. It is often rove from the top of the mast.Thought of the Day: Students are young and they will live their lives. They can’t live off of someone else’s experiences.So as you try to prepare them, don’t look for an answer, try looking for a reaction. Jemique Straker.Yours, Aye John Cowan, LCDR, RANGreetings from CharlyneToday is the start of a very busy and challenging day for the youth crew. I strongly believe that happy hour will be the best that is has been. Command day will be the test of how we have bonded as a groupand our weeknesses and strengths will be shown. But remember that the most important thing on command day is to have fun and I hope we dont forget that.Hey Guys…Im having a lot of fun, the weather has been great and the sights are good. Its a lot of hard work here and we sleep and do watch overthe ship at odd hours. I didnt beleive it but I was petrified of the mast when I got up there the first time, that it took me 4 days to attempt it again. Im lovin it here and I am learning a whole lot ofdifferent things about sailing and the food is great-get this we have bacon and eggs every morning…anyway guys lovin u but must leave and I’m sure the west hasnt changed to much, but stay good and i’ll c u soon with heaps of stories.Cheeky Petes Sister (Natalie)
At anchor off Orpheus Island in position 18 37 S, 146 29 E . Wind: Sou'East at 10 kts, Temp: 23c, Cloud:2/8
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