Captain's Log
31 July 2003

A Bouncy Ride

Situation at 21:00- Overnight the wind picked up to 30 knots with the occassional gust of 35 knots. This made for a bouncy ride as we battled our waySouth towards Noosa. All hands were called on deck at 04:00 to tack the Ship in order to close the shore. The off watch Youth Crew were very keen to return to their bunks after heaving on lines in the unseasonably cold wind.At today’s morning brief there was no encouragement needed for the Youth Crew to bunch up together. The wind was bitterly coldas the formal start to the day onboard got underway. Navigator Kirsten showed the progress we had made over the last twenty-four hours, and noted that the ‘Spewometer’ was at the same level as yesterday. Salty Sea Dog Lisa described the nautical background to more commonly heard sayings and Engineer Stewy once again emptied outhis scranbag of gear he had found sculling. As soon as happy hour was completed it was time to hand in sail in preparation for going to anchor off Noosa. By 10:30 the Ship was safely anchored off the main beach and the Youth Crew were preparing to go ashore. Watch Officer Lisa ferried all hands ashore to the beach where Chef Polly served up a picnic lunch. This was followed by a sports tabloid and a chance to visit the local shops.After having a fabulous time ashore, all hands were back onboard by 17:30. Chef Polly served up another of his terrific mealsbefore the main activity of the evening got started. The Youth Crew were divided into groups of three, and given 30 minutes to learn the life story of the other two members of their groups. They are then required to role play the life story of one of their group (chosen for them at the last moment) in front of the Ship’s Company. This was a lot of fun and all hands had a great (albeit cold) time. Overnight the Youth Crew will keep anchor watches which will allow them to catch up on some of the sleep they missed last night.The wind has decreased but the temperature has fallen to a very unseasonably low level for Queensland. This will make staying awakeon watch no problem at all.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Fact File: The Ship is fitted with two 444kg DStokes cast steel anchors. These are attached to 5 shackles (450′)of 17.5mm anchor cable (chain). YOUNG ENDEAVOUR has sat snugly at anchor in winds over fifty knots.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Glossary: RHIB- Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boat.The Ship is equipped with an eight person RHIB that serves as a utility boat to ferry passengers ashore. It can also be used as a tug boat to assist berthing the Ship. EPIRB- Electronic Position Indicating Radio Beacon. Used to transmit a distress signal to either a satellite or shore based receiving station. YOUNG ENDEAVOUR is fitted with an EPIRB, as are each of the Ship’s liferafts.Thought of the Day: If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I would spend six of them sharpening my axe. Abraham Lincoln.Yours, AyeJohn Cowan,LCDR, RANHey Mum, Dad and Kirsten. Having a blast, finally finding my sea legs. Went ashore today, which was weird after being on the ship, but I had fun after finding my bearings. Looking forward to the rest, learning heaps and having fun. See you guys when I get home,take care,Warren


26° 22' South / 153° 6' East


At anchor off Noosa. Wind: Sou' West at 10 kts, Temp: 11c, Cloud:1/8