Sailing, North of Great Keppel Island

Sailing, North of Great Keppel Island

Hello Shipmates,What a fantastic 24 hours – the weather really has been good for us. We made good time from Fraser Island overnight under engines. This morning we had morning brief, happy hour and then Demonstration Tacks. These are where everyone gets to come up to the bridge in turn to witness how we control the ship during tacking stations – it’s a pretty important preparation for Command Day (which by the way, will be on Monday).This afternoon we anchored on the north side of Great Keppel Island and everyone got to go ashore on the beach for a swim and a run around for a couple of hours. After we came back onboard we sailed from anchor, and we are now making good time in the freshening breeze under a full press of canvas. Shortly we will be shutting down the generator and all of the noise making devices and will silent sail”. Later tonight we will have the “”bear”” exercise


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